Freighter And Storm
Freighter And Storm

26 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday–Winter Joy

  1. Have lottsa fun guys!! 🙂

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  2. HI Y’all!

    Snow freezes my toys and my toes! My mouth also gets frozen from trying to carry my icy toys! So glad the Humans have avoided spending any time in the mountains this winter!

    A friend told us there was an ice storm up there this past weekend and if we’d been there we couldn’t have gotten in or OUT of our house! What a disaster that would have been for me! It’s in the 60’s there the last couple of days…but it would have been a long time to “hold it”.

    What do y’all do with the browndawgs when you have ice storms?

    Thanks for stoppin’!

    Y’all come back now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  3. Wooo hoooo!!! It’s snow time! Love to see happy pups having fun. 🙂

  4. haha aww, I really love that picture. One looks so handsome and looks as though he belongs in a catalog, while the other is making the goofiest face lol.

  5. Love the photo – those are happy dogs! All we’ve been getting this year are dustings – not enough to have fun with. We’re still hopeful though!

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