We are joining Heart Like A Dog and co-host Terrier Torrent for the Follow-up Friday blog hop.

It’s the the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.

Hosted By Heart Like A Dog
Hosted By Heart Like A Dog

Monday Mischief–How About A Cuppa Joe?

Storm is not at all discriminating about her attempts to sneak a taste of coffee.  It could Folgers or Starbucks, black or with cream, Storm cares not.  She just knows she wants it!

Yum Yum
Yum Yum

Winter Drill Work

A new follower to our blog, FleaByte asked:

Ultimately, why the training? Competition? Primarily for hunting?

In addition to hunting, our dogs also participate in AKC and HRC hunt tests.  They are pass/fail tests with the dogs earning either a qualifying or not qualifying score.  The training that we do for these tests pays off when hunting season rolls around and gives us something fun to do during the off season.

Thunder and Storm are both running at the AKC Master/HRC Finished level.  Freighter is still young.  He has two Junior Hunter passes from the end of last season.  We are hoping he will be able to run some Senior level tests this year.

Whenever I post about handling, I always get questions about it.  To help explain, here is a video from April 2011 when Thunder and his handler were just learning handling together.  It is a pattern blind with 4 piles set out.  Most of it is getting Thunder to change his mind and go to the pile his handler wants him to go to rather than the one he wants to go to.  Thunder’s handler is using the whistle, voice commands and hand signals.  Both dog and handler have learned a lot in the last two years.

You may notice that the cars appear quite close in this video.  They are further away than they look on the video, but do not train your dogs near a busy street unless you are very confident in your recall!

If the video doesn’t play try here.

A Promise Of Spring

We have a large variety of birds up at our cabin.  There are Song Birds, Woodpeckers, Wood Ducks, Grouse, Turkey, Woodcock, Owls, even Eagles.  In the summer we get Hummingbirds and sometimes Baltimore Orioles.  We keep the bird feeders and suet cakes mainly to keep the Woodpeckers from making a meal of the house.

Kirtland's warbler
Kirtland’s warbler (Photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Midwest Region)

There is one very rare species which nests in the jack pine forests around our cabin.  At one time the Kirtland’s Warbler was very near extinction.  It will only nest in an immature jack pine forest.  In the days before Smokey Bear, wildfires would clear the forests and allow the Jack Pines to regenerate.  The seeds will only regenerate in wide open areas.  Smokey Bear was too good at his job and as the number of forest fires decreased, so did the Kirtland’s Warbler.  However, clear cutting and managing the forests have allowed this little bird to make a come back.  I know it is unlikely, but I hold out hope that one will stumble into my yard.

We get regular visits from other distinctive birds, including the Pileated Woodpecker.   Here is a picture I took with my old camera trough the window.  Pileated Woodpeckers are kind of shy.  My new camera lets me take better pictures from further away, so I hope to get more bird pictures this Spring and Summer.

Pileated Woodpecker
Pileated Woodpecker
Cell Phone Pictures Of Turkeys
A Cell Phone Picture Of Turkeys

This ‘N That Thursday

Thank you for all of the compliments on my pictures.  My new camera lets me zoom and unzoom the lens with ease so I can get much better action shots.  It is also faster so I can really catch the dogs moving.

Thunder Flying
Thunder Flying On Land

I was very happy to see Thunder running and playing with ease last weekend and I think his leg may finally be healed.  For new readers, Thunder had a nagging injury towards the end last summer.  We think it was due to him launching himself into ponds that were too shallow and banging his leg.  Most of the ponds around here were very shallow due to drought, but that did not stop Thunder.

Thunder Flying On Water
Thunder Flying On Water

After x-rays of his toes, wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck which showed nothing, not even arthritis, the orthopedic vet felt it was strained ligaments.  We decided to put a cast on Thunder’s leg.  He had that cast through most of hunting season and once the cast came off, Thunder was on rest until the beginning of December.

Thunder Stuck In A Cast
Thunder Stuck In A Cast

We have been introducing activity very gradually to allow scar tissue to break up and I am happy to report that even after all of the running and jumping through the snow, I saw no limping!

And that wraps the week.  Have a nice weekend!

16 thoughts on “Follow-up Friday 3-1-13

  1. Thanks for joining us in FUF! I always love seeing your training sessions…It’s a joy to watch the dogs work at something they love..So cute that Thunder’s cast was signed 🙂

  2. Love that shot of Thunder flying through the air into the water. Amazing.

  3. Thanks for joining us in the FUF blog hop!! I love your recaps. I love the pictures of Thunder ‘flying’ I had a brief thought that he could be one of Santa’s reindeer. 🙂

    Your cabin sounds marvelous! Is it far away from you or an easy drive? We have land in NH but it is a 3 1/2 hour ride and so we’ve done nothing with it. 🙁

  4. Pawsome pic of Thunder flying through the water. Yea! Still chuckling over the coffee addict. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. That picture of Thunder flying into the water is one of my all-time favorites of yours (though there are quite a few close contenders!). And the shot of Storm looking so longingly at that cup of coffee is SO expressive. Glad Thunder’s leg is better. Have a great weekend!

  6. Hi pals! Gosh, Ma goes away and I miss a whole week of great posts over here! I’m sorry I didn’t get to see all of them but your Follow Up got me all caught up! And thank you for leaving your sweet pawprint on my post about Ma being gone.
    By the way…is that a new blog header or am I just a doofus who never noticed it before?!? I love it. Have a great weekend!
    *high paws*

  7. Aww, so glad Thunder is feeling better. He has lots of signatures on his cast 🙂

    Happy Friday!

  8. Great video and good job sweet Thunder. That picture of you flying over the water is fantastic! Loved all the pictures. Mumsy loved the bird pictures too. You all have a nice weekend. Hugs and nose kisses

  9. Hooray for no limping! I can only imagine how rough that must have been to keep him casted and then quiet for so long.

    I’d never heard of Kirtland’s Warbler before…interesting!

  10. I am glad for this “catch up” post because I haven’t opened my Feedreader to visit blogs for well over a month! I like the birds because my Grandma was bird enthusiast. I also understand the complications of Smokey Bear doing his job “too well”. I worked as a wildland firefighter for a couple of years and one of the hot debates at the time was whether we should put out fires or manage them and let them burn naturally to clear out underbrush and create habitat for the types of species that need that/

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