Yesterday we got out to train with a pal.  It was not too hot and there was a nice breeze so we decided to work on triple marks again.  Storm and Freighter have tests coming up this weekend so we figured it would not hurt them to run a set-up with some multiple marks.

We choose the part of the field that was mostly flat, but had a few rises and dips.  We did not make it too long because we wanted to also run some blinds and although it wasn’t hot, it was still pretty warm for the dogs.

When setting up marks, the angle of the throw can increase the difficulty.  During training, we try to vary the direction of our throws depending on the terrain and the wind.  Deciding on a set-up is one of the most difficult parts when we are training on our own because there is so much that can effect how the dog will react.

This was our triple:

Triple 7-13-14
Triple 7-13-14

First, we ran the triple from one direction, (the white lines show).  Then we went to the opposite side of the field and ran it again, (gray lines).

The first time we ran the triple (white lines), the marks were thrown #1, #2, #3.  The dogs had to pick them up #3, #1, #2 or outside, outside, middle.  Storm did fine on this triple.

Freighter has not run many triples.  He needed a handle to get to the middle mark (#2).  He may have done better if had been allowed to pick them up in reverse order (#3, #2, #1).  Since this is training, his handler insisted on an order because he wants him to get used to picking the marks up in the order that he tells him to pick them up.  At a test there can be an advantage to picking up the marks in one order over another so you want to be able to select for the dog if possible.

When we reversed the triple and moved to the opposite side of the field, the marks were thrown #3, #2, #1 or in reverse order.  The dogs had to pick up outside, outside, middle again, (#1, #3, #2).  Both Storm and Freighter did a nice job on this.  Freighter even got a little extra diversion bumper, or a bumper thrown from the line.  The dog is not to drop the bumper he is carrying to pick up the diversion bumper.  Freighter checked out the bumper, but did not drop the one he was carrying so he did very well despite the diversion.

We were happy with their marks.  We don’t get a chance to run multiple marks with an extra person to throw too often.   It was nice to get out and work all the nice little things, (like selecting the order) that go along with running multiple marks.  Plus we had fun training with our friend on a great field.  We plan to get together to train more in the future.

I took a few pictures.  It was difficult for me to take pictures because I had the remote controller for the winger, a duck call, starter pistol, and a bumper, plus my camera.  I had to launch the winger.  Then quick call, throw the bumper and fire the starter pistol.  Then grab my camera for pictures.  I really couldn’t adjust it as I turned to follow the dogs so there is some of variation of color depending on where we were in relation to the sun.

First up Storm:

And Freighter:

Have a great Monday!

13 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Training

  1. It’s great to read about your training and to watch the photos, I learnt a lot of things and now I understand the rules of hunting tests a little bit more. Thanks :o)

  2. Good job Storm and Freighter!! Practice makes perfect. All you can do is give them as many variations as possible and hope they will remember it when the test comes. 🙂

  3. Excellent job! You two are pawsome 🙂

  4. Mom wishes she had a photographer to come with us when we train as it is so hard to have the camera, pay attention, and all the other stuff.

  5. Great set up and isn’t it so nice to have enough help to run a nice series. I think you did a excellent job with the pictures. Good luck on your self hosting switch over.

  6. Hi Y’all!

    What great photos!

    Y’all sure did take a big leap, or as my Human says, bit off a big bite! Can’t wait ’til y’all are back. When y’all finish the changeover, don’t forget July 14th and Mischief Monday has an Award awaiting you.

    Y’all come on by when you can,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. Hi Y’all!

    Me again! I just looked at my address bar! NO WORDPRESS up there! WHOOOOOOHOOOOO! YOU DID IT!!!!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  8. Congrats on a smooth transition, and great photos of the training. One of the problems I’ve always had is that our guys often drop a bumper the bumper they’re carrying in order to pick up another. But then since I rarely shoot doubles, it’s not a problem. haha

    1. Do you think they they would drop a bird for another? Mine probably wouldn’t. Bumper maybe. Bird not so much. But we train it anyway. 🙂

  9. You brown daws are good. Storm’s the master, for sure, but it sounds like Freighter is doing a pretty darned good job.

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