This is Storm from last Saturday.  She was working hard and making waves because she loves to get out to train.  She can even make some nice art with her tail.


It is hard to believe but Ruffed Grouse season opens two months from today on September 15th.  Grouse opening signals Fall for us.  Storm says she is ready to go!

12 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday-Tail Art

  1. I’m ready for fall too, Storm… and to tell the truth I can’t wait till we have fall :o) I hope you will get a lot of geese this year :o)

  2. These Chessies are “artistes”, the patterns they create with their bodies and water can be intriguing. Even a rainbow given the right conditions. The tail, the chest hitting the water, the movement as they swim…one of my favorites in a clear pond is to watch their webbed feet pull and push, the parting of the sea!
    Anyone for Chessie Olympics? Beginning with numbers of birds hauled in through each fall season.

  3. It’s always conflicting, the want the day to end but you want time to slow down because it just flies too fast. 😛

  4. Keep training Storm, the 15th of September will be here before you know it!

  5. I love it! Storm, you are artistic as well as being a hard worker! We’re not ready to think about Fall yet. Of course, we haven’t had a lot of hot summer weather either. If we start getting more, we probably will be ready for Fall too!

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