“Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” –Billy Graham


Thank you to all of our Veterans.

Happy Veterans Day!

Check out our review and giveaway of Sojos Simply Wild dog treats–here.


9 thoughts on “Courage Is Contagious

  1. I will remember all those people and their fourlegged and winged helpers today… they fought for my country and they brought freedom and peace…

  2. Awesome quote. We love our vets, and are thankful for them every day!

  3. I remember tramping to my Godfather’s grave on a cold, dreary day. Until that moment I had only seen pictures of the burial ceremony. There in a line were his parents, six sisters and Colonel Neal, his brother. Beside each was a spouse. Od those,
    my Godmother was an army nurse, her husband a Marine, a Cavalry officer and two infantry soldiers. One uncle worked on war production for Republic Steel in while my father (four children) spent most of his time in Washington and elsewhere handling defense contracting for Firestone. While these were mostly Chicago folks, the remains of the crew are buried on a desolate bluff at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis. Until her own death, my Grandmother kept her Gold Star banner hanging in the window.
    War is war, lives snuffed out, every day should be a tribute day.
    Please take the time to visit the website of The Michigan War Dog Memorial.

  4. Hi Y’all,

    My Human Papa and all his brothers served in wartime. Both my Humans fathers and grandfathers did their service in WWI or WWII. In their day it was just something you did if you were a man.

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

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