Cats are not dogs.  We had a demonstration of that just last week when Nestle and Freighter each got a chance to play with the toys Santa brought them.

Freighter had a blast with his new ball.

Cats Are Not Dogs
Freighter Loves His New Ball

Dogs don’t walk away from a new toy.

Nestle on the other hand was much more cautious.

Cats Are Not Dogs
Storm Is Helping Nestle Check Our Her New Scratchy Toy
Cats Are Not Dogs
Nestle Checking Our Her New Plush Toy And Treat Dispenser
Plush Toy
Plush Toy
Snowman treat Dispenser
Snowman Treat Dispenser
No Cat
And She Walked Away

I think that was the extent of her excitement over her new toys.

Cats are definitely not dogs.

21 thoughts on “Cats Are Not Dogs

  1. You are so right. Cats are not as easily entertained by human’s idea of toys unless they are laced with cat nip Where as the cats outside always seem to find a bug or something that is just the best. And a dog will carry a toy around forever and love it forever.

    1. I think Nestle is immune to catnip too because the scratch toy came with it and she barely looked at it. This time next year she might decide to play with it…lol.

  2. I never would walk away… Nestle there was food inside of that snowman… f.o.o.d. maybe it was to could because it is in the belly of an icy snowman? I love the ball, it looks like a survivor… maybe it is strong enough for the canine easy-wreckingball too?

    1. I wanted to let Freighter take the ball in the yard but it is a muddy mess so he has to have it inside for now which limits how much he can play with it. I am curious how it will stand up to a crazy dog.

    1. Oh Nestle does. I have a video of Freighter trying hard to play with her and she wants nothing to do with him.

  3. I’ve never had a cat as a pet so I can’t agree or disagree. But all my dogs – from Coco when I was 5 to the little demonbrat, Ducky – have always been easy to entertain with one toy or another.

  4. My cats always loved a brown paper bag opened on the floor. We would buy all kinds of toys, but it was the bags that brought the most joy! Haha!

  5. You haven’t met my cat bro Bert. He is on toys like a dog and eats them all up too. Some cats are reincarnated dogs we think.

  6. Love this post and the pictures. For sure cats are nothing like dogs. Pooh rarely pays any attention to her toys, but Chancy plays with his and hers. Pooh will get in a paper bag or a box but she has never been one to like cat toys. I have missed you all…I am trying to decide what direction I want to go in with my blog and hope to be back blogging soon. Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year. Hugs and nose kisses Maggie, Chancy and Pooh

    1. Miss you Maggie and your wonderful photos. I hope to see you back to blogging in the new year. Blessings for 2016.

  7. You are so right! Cats will act all indifferent to those new toys, and then play with them in the middle of the night. LOL!

  8. LOL….I love this! I feel kind of bad because we don’t usually get much for our cat Samantha, but this is exactly why. One look or sniff of it and she’s done! Once in a while she will play with a toy we get her, but it’s one time and then she never looks at it again.

  9. Cats at brothers either are berserk for toys or not interested! Spike was a tory fiend! Magic would only indulge in the middle of the night! Several seem to think curtains and chair upholstery are for play!
    Some dogs are toy destroyers!

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