We are in a deep freeze.  We had a warm fall but now winter has set in.  Going outside means bundling up for people.  Brown dawgs don’t care how cold it is.  Brown dawgs are only concerned with making winter fun!

Making Winter Fun
Storm And Freighter

Storm and Freighter got out for a little fun despite the frigid temperatures.  They were moving fast, probably to stay warm.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Jumping
Storm And Freighter On The Move
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Jumping Snow Piles
Storm And Freighter Jumping Snow Piles

They had a blast!

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Happy
Storm Says She Had So Much Fun

Do you have any tips for making winter fun?

22 thoughts on “Making Winter Fun!

  1. Well the donkeys love to zoom around their pasture for fun and the casts have fun by staying inside out the cold. You brown dogs sure do have a great time running and jumping. That is so good for you.

  2. yeah…stay inside and eat lol…kidding………..that snow has to be from your cabin……..you KNOW there isn’t snow like that in your area of Michigan or mine!!! Almost wish there were, it would actually be warmer if there was snow! DakotasDen

  3. Looks like you guys are having a blast!!!!

    I wanted to let you know, I am having major problems getting on your blog today. I was trying to catch up on some posts I had missed, but it kept telling me there was some sort of error. Anyways, just wanted to let you know!

    1. Thanks for letting me know. It appears that my web host is having issues. I’ve looked at my site and I think it OK, but I know it was down a bit ago and it has been slow today.

  4. They certainly are having a great time in the snow! LOVE the action shots. 🙂

  5. The dogs definitely enjoy it more than I do! If it wasn’t for them, I would hibernate all winter. Once I get out there with them I do enjoy it though (for a limited time, until my toes get cold).
    I hate the bundling up – it takes too much time!

  6. My two love the snow and winter as long as it is above -4 F. Below that, they find it too cold. We have taken up snowshoeing this winter and they love it.

  7. They really do look as if they are having a blast! I would love to play in that much snow at least once. I’m sure Bentley and Pierre would think it is incredibly fun.

  8. Looks like they’re having a blast. Winter here this year just means some mornings we have to try to sneak in a quick walk between rain showers.

  9. Looks like the snow we used to have on Long Island when I was a little kid. But that was MANY years ago. I wish we could get snow like that here so my girls could enjoy it like Storm and Freighter!

  10. *Sigh* we are back to rain again after a few cold days can you send the snow here please at least that would make a change,xx Speedy

  11. Little snow! But the minute the flakes pile up, out the door to leap and jump and race around.
    Erynn likes to catch snowflakes on her tongue! Macha wiggles across the yard on her back and side, and then crouches to shovel with her chin and chest. Looking for critter tunnels under the snow is a favorite!
    Snow. glorious snow!

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