A favorite winter past time for the brown dawgs is chasing snowballs.  With our warmer than normal November and December they were beginning to worry that there would never be enough snow.  Never fear brown dawgs.  Winter has arrived and with it the snow.

Chasing Snowballs

Last weekend Storm and Freighter got out for a little exercise and snowball chasing.

Chasing Snowballs
Watch For It
Chasing Snowballs
Snowball Over The Head
Chasing Snowballs
Get It!
Chasing Snowballs
Chasing Snowballs
Off After Another Snowball
Off After Another Snowball
Chasing Snowballs
Storm And Freighter Missed The Snowball

Oh well they had fun and got a great workout.

Have a nice weekend!

Thanks to SlimDoggy, MyGBGV Life, and To Dog with Love for the FitDog Friday Blog Hop!

FitDog Friday
FitDog Friday

24 thoughts on “Chasing Snowballs!

  1. LOL! Love the air shots. Great game for dogs that love to play with balls! We don’t chase them at all, but we like to eat them. Thanks for joining in the hop.

  2. wow! snow much fun! It looks as if you can fly though the snow… and the white background fits perfectly with your brown fur :o)

  3. No snowballs over here, but I did find an old video of Shiner and some snow balls from many, many years ago. Looks like they had fun!

  4. They’re having an utter blast out there! Fingers crossed for some snow from the storm out in the Atlantic so we can chase some snowballs this weekend too.

  5. Wow, they really get into it! Great shots, and what a blast they had! It’s great to have snow, because winter is really just a waste without it! 🙂

  6. The collision reminded me of a couple of baseball outfielders. Fabulous photos. Tallulah likes to chase leaves. I guess that’s the southern version of snowball chasing . . . or maybe it’s just crazy! Happy weekend!

  7. What great fun!! This weekend we get to chase snowballs too – and I don’t know about them, but I’m excited about it!!

    Hope all is well, and I hope you have a good weekend!

  8. We didn’t get snow, but we DID get freezing rain today. Ugh.
    Love your pictures!!! Nothing like action shots of pups romping around in the snow.

  9. Beautiful photos! We have had about 3 inches accumulate so far at my house in Connecticut. Going to go throw some snowballs for my little guy to chase! It’s moments like these that I really love 🙂

  10. What super athletes! With news of all of the snow in the East, we might like a bit! Hopefully man and beast alike will “weather’ this storm!

  11. How fun! We especially loved the shots where Storm and Freighter are in mid-air!

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