Traveling Without Dogs.  You read that right–without dogs.

It has been a number of years since hubby and I traveled without our dogs.  Usually if we travel, it is to an event involving the dogs like a hunt test or a show.  However, this past weekend we had to make a trip to Illinois to visit hubby’s mom who is recovering from surgery.  Since we knew we were going to be spending most of our time with her at the hospital, we left the pups home.  A huge shout-out of thanks to Thunder and Freighter’s breeder Cindy for spending the weekend with them!  Dog people are the best.

There are all kinds of lists of things to do or to bring when traveling with your dogs.  For fun, here is a list of things that I remembered during this trip when traveling without dogs:

  • You can stop when you want to and do not have to make sure there is a place to potty the dogs.
  • You can actually eat inside the restaurant and not just grab carry-out.
  • You can go to bed when you are tired and not worry about taking the dogs out to potty one last time.
  • You don’t have to pack extra gear in case you need to walk the dogs in the rain or snow.
  • Since you will just have a small bag and not a load of stuff for the dogs, you will not need a cart to get your stuff to the hotel room.
  • You can stay at a decent hotel and they may even upgrade your room.  I don’t ever recall that happening when we traveled with the dogs.  If the hotel takes dogs, we usually get the most “lived-in” room in the place.
  • It may take you a while to remember that the crates in the car are empty.
  • You will probably miss the pups and look forward to getting home to see them.

It was a long weekend, but hubby’s mom is recovering and for that we are blessed.

12 thoughts on “Traveling Without Dogs

  1. I hope recovery continues to go well! It’s been a very long time since we last traveled without dogs. It sounds kind of nice, but I’d just miss my buddies and spend the whole trip being worried about them.

  2. Glad your hubby’s mom is recovering from her surgery! And that Cindy was able to stay with the dawgs for you. I used to hate leaving the girls behind when I had to go on business trips or long weekends. But we have a great pet sitter so I didn’t worry about them. I just missed them like crazy. Now that we are both retired, I prefer to stay home.

  3. We rarely travel together, mostly either the dogs go with us, or one of us stays home with them. 🙂 Glad to hear Hubby’s mom is recovering well and you got some time to yourselves. It’s nice to have a little freedom from responsibilities once in a while, I do enjoy it. But then of course, I’m excited to be home again too.

  4. My mom always says she feels lost when she goes away without us, or even when she is out with only one or two of us. Waking up with no one who needs you to walk or anything is odd. The reunion is always sweet, though. Good your hubby’s mom is doing well.

  5. Good news! All had a good laugh and conversation about the list that is left behind for the dog sitters! Your comments on life without the pups brings a smile. It is important to have the “orphans” placed with folks they know, we used a kennel once, never again.

  6. We’ve never traveled with the dogs since the days when we always camped so we could take them with us easily. In a way, I’m sure it was nice for you to relax a little on your travels, even while missing the dogs. I was thinking earlier today how much easier moving would be without the dogs! But of course, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Glad your hubby’s Mom is recovering!

  7. Lol & bol to your post, I traveled alone just last weekend, and it’s just so weird not taking the pups. I visited a friend in Memphis, and we walked a lot – which made me say out loud many times how weird it is to be walking without holding any leashes in my hands…#DogPeopleAreTheBest

  8. Our biggest problem in traveling without dogs is finding a dogsitter. Luckily our neighbor kids house sit/ dog sit for us but we have to schedule our activities around theirs!

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