It is always good to get a change of perspective.  When we are out training the dogs I am usually behind the line taking photos from a long distance away.  However, sometimes I am out in the field throwing bumpers so I am able to snap pictures from a different perspective as they are flying past me.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Flying Past Me

I love to take pictures from this perspective because I can capture them as they are stretched out and running hard.  Freighter is still a young dog and runs with the exuberance and power of a young dog.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Stretched Out Running Hard

Sometimes I think Freighter is going to launch himself into the air.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Looks Like He Might Launch Himself

But he always stays grounded enough to retrieve the bumpers.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Freighter Staying Grounded So He Can Retrieve The Bumper

Do you ever change your perspective when photographing your pets?

8 thoughts on “Photography – Flying Past

  1. What a great idea to get that perspective, but those are definitely some great action shots!

  2. Those are great action shots! Sometimes I try to take pics from the floor to get a different perspective on Rita. I need to try to get some “flying” shots of Rita! 🙂

  3. Beautiful photos! I love seeing the working dogs in action doing what they’re meant to do. When taking pics of my pets I always try to get at their level. Action shots … none of my three are very active!

  4. Wonderful captures! They really do look like they are flying by! 🙂

  5. Hi Y’all!

    Love the action shots!

    Please tell my Human Papa to get my Human Mama a new camera that is faster. When she takes me going past at least one part of me is blurred!

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

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