Desperate For Ducks
Freighter is desperate for ducks. Hubby had surgery in September and unfortunately that means there is no hunting this season. It has been hard on the brown dawgs. They know the season has changed from summer to fall. In fall they are used to being out in the forest hunting grouse or woodcock, or at the river’s edge hunting wood ducks. But not this year.
This year the best we can do is to get out the orange cammo duck, (a gift to them from JoAnn at Sand Spring Chesapeakes thank you JoAnn), and play a little fetch in the yard. It is sort of like hunting, right? OK it is not at all the same, but Freighter sure had fun and burned off some pent up energy.
At first I gave Freighter the choice between black Kong and orange cammo duck.

He chose orange cammo duck! This was a surprise because usually black Kong is the favorite toy, but Freighter is desperate for ducks.

Then he took orange cammo duck over to taunt the black Kong. (Not nice. Poor black Kong.)

We can’t really make the duck “fly” exactly, but we can make it fly through the air by tossing it in the yard, so that is what we did.

The orange cammo duck was thrown about 187 times.

187 times is not nearly enough for Freighter, but my arm got tired.

Finally Freighter slowed down for a picture.

It wasn’t hunting, but it was fun with a duck and Freighter had a blast.
Don’t miss out on our giveaway for a Grandma Lucy’s Prize Package. Details and entry form here.

What fun!
yes 187 times is not enough LOL… I sometimes wish we had such an automatic ball thrower they use for tennis training :o)LOL
So glad Freighter got out to at least “hunt” and fetch the orange camo duck. I bet the brown dawgs are really missing the hunt!
Well, if duck is what they are used to then it is what they would like. We have no interest in birds of any sort, but things like squirrels and wabbits, definitely.
Only 187 times?! LOL! I hope your husband is healing well.
Keep on healing! You can always send your kid out here for some waterfowl hunting! lol
I bet he would love that!
My foster pup loved to play ball–and even though he was an older, slower guy, he never ever wanted to stop fetching. My arm wore out before he did every single time. I’m glad that Freighter at least got to chase a duck down 187 times 😉
oh Freighter I’m so sorry all you get is the orange duck when you want a green head with orange feet. Soon it will be training time again. I’m also glad you still have that duck intact.
Well, he certainly did enjoy that! Any duck will do, even if it’s orange!
Poor guys, they get into their routines and it’s tough on everyone when schedules need to change. But they will be back at it next year!