It’s Follow-up Friday.  The blog hop that:

Let’s you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.

Thank you to Jodi from Heart Like A Dog and co-host Lynda from Two Ears and a Tail  for hosting the hop.

Wrapping up the week means answering reader questions.

Follow-up Friday 9-27-13

Jodi wrote:  I see the little Gazoo on Freighter’s back and it also looks like he has a mini-man standing on his bum. :-( I suppose the photographer isn’t looking in the background.  Have a great weekend!! Maybe you’ll get to the next level of Candy Crush, since you won’t be hunting. LOL

You are right.  The photographer is just trying to get the dog in position because they usually have many dogs to photograph.  Maybe because it was outside, this photo looked so much better to me than the first one.  I am glad we had this one taken.

About Candy Crush…I did finally move up one level.  I was stuck on 208 for the longest time.  🙂

Pam | Words With Wieners wrote:  About the embedded Facebook picture – if I’m logged into my blog FB profile, I can’t see it, but if I’m logged into my personal FB profile, I *can* see it. I’ve noticed it works that way for a lot of things with FB… that you must be logged into your personal profile to use/do/see certain things.

Mystery solved.  I am pretty sure that is the answer.  Thanks for clearing it up.

ILoveDogs asked:  I have got to try those antlers. Do you find they break off at all?

Normally they don’t splinter like a bone.  They kind of wear down.  The doggies are trying to get to the yummy center.  If parts of the outside break off, they are usually very small pieces.  You should monitor your dog with an antler the same way you do with a bone.

Antler Bone After A Couple Weeks Of Freighter
Antler Bone After A Couple Weeks Of Freighter

I have to say, the Best Elk Antlers are really great antlers.  They are a good size and last.  I will definitely order from them again.  Thanks so much to Sugar for giving us this antler!

Monday Mischief–Escape Artist

Sugar wrote:  Gotta video tape it.

Here you go!

If the video won’t play, try here.

Running Blind

thatjenk wrote:  I love watching their tails when they get the marker or are getting close – you can tell Freighter’s excitement compared to Storm.

That video was 10 days or so after Storm’s spay surgery and I think she was still a bit sore.  Remember she is our “breaking” dog.  If only she would slow down that much at tests.  🙂

Wordless Wednesday–Just Trying To Get Some Shut-Eye

thatjenk wrote:  Quite the stink-eye going on there.


Nailah Bone wrote:  Someone is giving you the stink eye!

Perfect description!

No Stink Eye Here
More Stink Eye?

Be Aware

Yesterday the news was reporting that there were some suspected cases of circovirus in Michigan.

The ER vet hospital that saved Thunder’s life when he bloated put out the following notice on their Facebook page yesterday:

Many of you may have recently heard about the circovirus in the media . Circovirus is a potentially emerging disease; however, at this time, there are no confirmed cases in Michigan. Signs of illness thought to be caused by canine circovirus could include lethargy, severe vomiting and diarrhea. These are nonspecific signs, meaning they can occur with a wide assortment of diagnoses unlikely related to circovirus. Whenever these signs are present, it is important to get your veterinarian involved with the care of your pet. Here’s a link to the AVMA website with more detailed information:  FAQ on Circovirus

Since yesterday, the virus has been identified in two dogs.  More information here.  The researchers are careful to say:

However, just because the virus has been identified does not mean that the dogs’ sickness was a result of circovirus….

So be aware of symptoms and if your dog has any of them, you may want to see a vet.  I urge you to click the link and read the FAQ because it is great information.

I first heard about this virus a couple of weeks ago when it was identified in some dogs in Ohio.  Ohio borders Michigan so it is something to pay attention to.

Then Saturday we woke up to find that Thunder had vomited and had an accident on the floor, (he hadn’t done that since he was a young puppy and only once then).  He ate his breakfast slowly (also not normal) and had a bit of soft stool afterward.

Yikes!  Did we panic?  No, but we were concerned.  Since his symptoms were mild we kept an eye on him.  Thunder was a bit mopey but he did not vomit again and did not need to go out except at his normal times, although his stool was very soft.  He was not all that interested in his food Saturday night or Sunday morning.

Thunder Snoozing In The Sun
Thunder Snoozing In The Sun

Whenever your dog becomes ill on a Saturday, you always debate whether to get them into the vet because Monday is a long way away.  Luckily our vet is open in Saturday and Sunday with walk in hours so we knew that if he got worse on Sunday we could have him checked out.

Since Thunder was not interested in his food, I made him some boiled chicken and rice for Sunday which he ate just fine so I was less worried.  By Monday, his stool returned to normal and he was back on his regular food.

I am not sure what the issue was, but his symptoms were mild and resolved fairly quickly.  We discussed Thunder with the vet while she examined Storm and Freighter on Tuesday.  She felt it could have been a bug, or something he ate.  I asked if she thought we should change his food now that he is older and maybe it was too rich for him.  She said that if he stays active, she would not change it just yet because he will need the calories.  By week’s end Thunder was back to normal.

Fully Recovered
Fully Recovered

Of course I was relieved that he was better.  But I was more relieved that we did not have to tote three dogs to the vet on Tuesday.  🙂

Have a nice weekend!

Opening day for Mid Zone Waterfowl is Saturday.  Unfortunately lots of rain is predicted.  Hopefully it won’t be a wash out!

Thanks again to Jodi from Heart Like A Dog and co-host Lynda from Two Ears and a Tail  for hosting the hop.

Hosted By Heart Like A Dog
Hosted By Heart Like A Dog

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16 thoughts on “Follow-up Friday 10-4-13

  1. Oh My … Well it is not hard to figure it out. What a SMART Dog! Saw in the news about the Michigan illness. Be careful. OH! ILOVEDOGS Special Sugar Discount code on the Elk Antlers on the sidebar of my blog. Happy Friday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. Hi Y’all!

    Glad to know that Thunder just had a temporary upset.

    As for Freighter…all I can say is never get the handles instead of knobs on your doors…I know that my Human loves the handles but if the door isn’t dead bolted I can open it. As for the gate…you’ll have to use the old bungee cord. BOL!

    Hey Freighter, you knew we were smarter than our humans! Only thing we’re missing is the opposable thumb! No wonder they remove our dew claws!

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    1. “Hey Freighter, you knew we were smarter than our humans! Only thing we’re missing is the opposable thumb! No wonder they remove our dew claws!”

      Oh my goodness funniest comment. You are right. If he had the thumbs, he would have figured out by now how to open the red lock!

  3. OMG I loved the video, what a smart boy he is! My daughter has a gate like that, but in order for it to work you not only pull (or in Freighter’s case push) the lever up, there is another mechanism you slide back. I loved watching it though.

    Sorry to hear that Thunder wasn’t feeling well, this circovirus is scary and you are wise to keep an eye on it. I was just reading an interesting article about Leptospirosis and I think I might need to do a post on that. The thing is that so many of these deadly virus’ have similar symptoms to a simple bug. The key is to monitor it and know your dog. And I know you do! How else would Thunder have survived bloat.

    Have a great weekend!

    And thanks for joining the hop!

  4. That dog is hilarious with the gate, so calm and casual about it. My sister Bailie is that type, she is working on opening the treat drawer in the kitchen, Mom is not happy about this. That illness thing in Ohio that may now be in Michigan is scary. It is often so hard to know when to go to the vet because some dogs like my sister Katie have a tendency to get sick often with a sensitive tummy. Hope that disease stops before it spreads further!

  5. Thank goodness Thunder recovered quickly and it wasn’t serious. I’ve heard about that circovirus too… very scary.

  6. I’ve been reading about the virus today and it’s pretty darn scary…I absolutely love Freighter’s video…I’m still laughing…He is one clever boy

  7. So glad Thunder is feeling better. Isn’t it always the weekend when they get sick? Either way, it’s difficult to know sometimes when you should bring them to the vet’s or wait it out….but you did it just right. It would have been easy to panic with all the talk of the circovirus.
    I loved the video…so glad Sugar asked you to make it! He is just so cool about it, and I especially loved when he tried it once, didn’t quite get it, and then just calmly does it again. What a smart dog!

  8. Very nice follow-up post. Sweet Freighter you are one smart dog, you have that gate ALL figured out. Sure happy Thunder has fully recovered and all of the sweeties are doing well. You all have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and nose kisses

  9. Really happy Freighter is back to normal and it was not serious. The video of him opening the gate was hilarious. Obviously he watches and learns fast. We avoided that by getting a gate that had to be opened by stepping on a peddle by an adult foot 🙂

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